"You do not know you are miserable and pitiable and poor and blind and naked."
Revelation 3:17.
It was not their wealth that brought the Laodiceans to such a pitiable spiritual situation. It was the fact that they trusted in wealth rather than in Jehovah. As a result, they were spiritually lukewarm, near to being ‘vomited out of’ Jesus’ mouth. (Revelation 3:14-16) On the other hand, Paul commended the Hebrew Christians, saying: “You both expressed sympathy for those in prison and joyfully took the plundering of your belongings, knowing you yourselves have a better and an abiding possession.” (Hebrews 10:34) Those Christians retained their joy because they kept hold of their most valuable possession, their “better and . . . abiding possession.” Like the merchant of Jesus’ parable who sacrificed everything for one valuable pearl, they were determined not to loosen their grip on the Kingdom hope, whatever the cost.—Matthew 13:45, 46. w 1/1/06 13, 14