"From this day I shall bestow blessing."
Haggai 2:19
In order to have Jehovah’s backing and blessing, we must keep the work at the spiritual temple in first place in our lives. Unlike the Jews who said, “The time has not come,” we must remember that we are living in “the last days.” (Hag. 1:2; 2 Tim. 3:1) Jesus foretold that his loyal followers would preach the good news of the Kingdom and make disciples. We must be careful not to neglect our privilege of service. The preaching and teaching work that was temporarily halted by the world’s opposition was resumed in 1919, but it has not been completed. You can be sure, though, that it certainly will be! To the extent that we continue to work in earnest, we will be blessed—as a people and as individuals. Once the Jews returned in whole-souled worship and resumed in earnest their work on the foundation of the temple, they enjoyed full restoration of Jehovah’s favor. w 4/15/06 8, 9a