Happy is the one you choose and cause to approach, that he may reside in your courtyards.—Ps. 65:4.
Soon this wicked system of things will end, and the Messianic Kingdom will take full control of mankind’s affairs. Until then, how important it is that each of us maintain a positive spirit! This will help us to recognize the virtues of our fellow believers, instead of focusing on their faults. Rather than being emotionally drained by murmuring, we will thus be encouraged and built up spiritually. A positive spirit will also enable us to bear in mind the many blessings we enjoy because of being associated with the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization. This is the only organization in the world that is loyal to the Sovereign of the universe. How do you feel about that reality and the privilege of engaging in the worship of the only true God, Jehovah? May your attitude be like that of David, as expressed in today’s text. w 7/15/06 19, 20a