"...You are on the run, each one in behalf of his own house."
Haggai 1:9
The Jews who returned from Babylon became preoccupied with their own daily needs and way of life. Consequently, Jehovah withdrew his blessing. (Haggai 1:6) Is there a lesson in this for us? Do you not agree that to continue enjoying divine blessings, we must resist seeking things for ourselves at the expense of Jehovah’s worship? That is so whether the activity or interest diverting our attention is the pursuit of wealth, get-rich-quick schemes, ambitious plans for advanced education to have a desirable career in this system, or programs for personal fulfillment. Such things may not be sins in themselves. However, do you not see that from the standpoint of everlasting life, those really are "dead works"? (Hebrews 9:14) In what sense? They are spiritually dead, vain, and fruitless. If one persists in them, such works could lead to spiritual death. Watchtower April 15, 2006 pages 27-28, paragraphs 12-14a
(this is what I call a self-sacrificing spirit...and it's definitely worth it in the end, when Jehovah will reward us beyond our imagination) d(^^d)
Today was a very tiring day for me. I tried hard to stay as attentive as I can be during the meeting. Brother Phil Fletcher's talk was aMAYzing! xD He mentioned how Jehovah personally hears our prayers and that He did not assigned anyone else that job. Also, there are millions of Jehovah's Witnesses that are praising him day and night, so day and night, Jehovah hears everyone's prayers, in all sorts of languages. I thought that was neat of Brother Fletcher to mention. This Watchtower meeting was the same one as yesterday's except this meeting was in English, whereas yesterday's meeting was in Vietnamese. I really wanted to make a comment, but for some reason my mind was trying to think of something, that I assume was in the back of my head. Anyways, I liked how when Kevin conducted the Watchtower meeting yesterday, he mentioned that parents must train and educate their children, according to Bible principles and fundamentals, otherwise they will be educated and trained by the world. The world definitely shows no traits of the spirit of the fruitage. I love the scripture at 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 where it defines love and its effect. This scripture reads "Love is long-suffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of the injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..." This is one of my all time favorite scriptures. <3 =)
Last night, I went swimming after the Watchtower meeting with Kevin, my sister Kellie, Heather, and Lucy. WOW... what a work out. We were at the 24 hour fitness for about an hour and a half, but it was worth it. :) From all that chlorine, I feel like I need a haircut, my hair is long and dead. Afterwards, I had an urge for HEALTHY food ;], and Kevin decided to take us out to get some "ice cream yogurt" at this Korean place called Queen, in Chinatown. Unfortunately, it was closed. :T Anyhow, since we were in Chinatown, we stopped by the upstairs of Tea Planet and got some "popping sue" with boba and mochi. HMMMM, that was delicious and HEALTHY. Mwahaha~ Anyways, Kevin said it was Keturah's favorite place and that she would always go there, but right now she's probably enjoying the beautiful landscape and beaches in Hawaii. She's there to go to school for hair. We had originally wanted to go to trade school together, but my parents pressured me into college. Anyhow, I really miss Keturah and hope she's having a good time. :D

Today, Quyen had left for California. I'm not quite sure where he moved to, but I think it was around the Garden Grove city. He's going there to learn in a welding program. I wonder how Jennifer's doing. Ahhh, those love birds. By the time Quyen comes back, Jennifer will have long hair, and hopefully, they stay together. Lucy is deciding for the summer on whether she should move to Houston, Texas or not. AHH...!! Why is everyone leaving me all of a sudden?! I think I need some sushi to get this off my mind. .__.
For some reason, I really missed Patty and Dean. Last summer, they came to visit my family during the hot summer time, with their firstborn baby. I felt so bad, because I thought they deserved more out of their trip coming to see my family. Not only is it so hot compared to the weather in Minnesota, but Patty came when she was PREGNANT! I really want them to come see me get baptized in San Jose, but at the same time, I know they are busy and are struggling a bit. Anyhow, I really miss them and want to give them more to show my appreciation. :]