1 John 5:3
If we love God, it is a pleasure to do His will. We thus gain God’s approval, and we benefit ourselves. (Isaiah 48:17) Love of God moves us to imitate His qualities. When we love a person, we admire his qualities and seek to be like him. Consider the relationship between Jehovah and Jesus. They were together in heaven for perhaps billions of years. Deep, pure love existed between them. So perfectly did Jesus resemble his heavenly Father that he could say to his disciples: "He that has seen me has seen the Father." (John 14:9) As we gain knowledge and appreciation for Jehovah and his Son, we are moved to be like them. Our love for Jehovah, along with the help of his holy spirit, will enable us to "strip off the old personality with its practices, and clothe [ourselves] with the new personality."—Colossians 3:9, 10; Galatians 5:22, 23. Watchtower August 15 2005 paragraphs 14, 15b
Today was a beautiful day. Work felt longer than usual , but it was worth it, because I received a message from Vicki Tabor, whom I met about a month ago on my trip to Mount. Zion, in Utah. Right before the tough part of the hike, where you hold onto chains, I met Vicki. We were on top of Angel's Landing, and it felt like we were on top of the world! That was probably the first time I have EVER breathed in fresh air. It was so clean that my lungs felt clean. I couldn't even feel myself breathing. Anyhow, Hai took really nice photos with his phone camera.
After work, I went to class, and I think I was going to collapse and snooze. I felt a little dizzy, but it's alright, because I didn't fall asleep. I got to the book study meeting early for once, about 15 minutes earlier, and I think everyone was exhausted. Only ones I see energized and fired up with the comments were Sister Dolly and Debbie...LOL. But everyone did an awesome job commenting at least once. I spoke to Jennifer and she said Quyen made it safely to California and hopefully, he can find a Kingdom Hall SOON. :D
After the meeting, Kellie, Mommy, and I went to Pho Kim Long. No, we did not eat Pho, but we ate the Combination Fried Rice and Crispy Seafood Chow Mein. That was delicious. Not only does the place look gorgeous since the owner remodeled the place, but I was sitting by the plants, and the place felt like perfect temperature, heh. Our waiter didn't speak vietnamese well, and then we found out he's actually cantonese. He treated us the vinegar sauce and tea... for FREE. I loved his reactions and his service. He looked like Daddy and acted like him, too. Awwww, haha. He even scooped out the left over fried rice and said it was his job to treat us like princesses. He had came from California to find a job here as a dealer. Though being a waiter is a tough job, I feel it's much better than a dealer. I'll agree that a dealer has many benefits, but it's against the rules of the Bible's principles. We are not allowed to support any wrongdoing or habit, which includes gambling. Anyway, I felt the waiter was too nice so my family tipped him extra.
Also, my family is worried about Thanh. We're praying for her as much as we can, because she's been through lots of pressure from her husband. She feels she cannot leave her job due to taking care of her children and feeling that she won't be able to support them. However, she is lacking reliance upon Jehovah and endure through some things. She said she wanted to leave the truth. =[ I wonder how her children feel, especially after they just went through their baptism. Maybe this will give them an opportunity to take their stand.
YAY, I got the new daily text for 2008...w000oOo0t~!!! haha xD
This Friday, Debbie is having an all-girl's hang out night. I can't wait...MOO-Haha!~
and for those who don't know what popping sue is....

ta da~ !! You can order it with other fruits, boba, mochi, and misu galu (special powder they sprinkle on the boba or mochi, or on top of the fruits.)
and for more pictures...POPPING SUE