"O do guard my soul, for I am loyal. Save your servant—you are my God—that is trusting in you."
Psalm 86:2
Many are facing problems of social injustice or religious prejudice. Possibly there is little or nothing they can do about at this time. Such a situation can be very difficult to endure, but David’s reaction to injustice teaches us a lesson. The psalms David wrote are a poignant record not only of his heartfelt prayers for God to keep him out of Saul’s clutches but also of his loyalty to Jehovah and his concern for the glorification of God’s name. (Psalm 18:1-6, 25-27, 30-32, 48-50; 57:1-11) David remained loyal to Jehovah even though Saul continued to act in an unjust way for years. We too should remain faithful to Jehovah and to his organization regardless of injustices we suffer and regardless of what others do. We can rest assured that Jehovah is fully aware of the situation. Watchtower June 15 2006 paragraph 7a
Tuesdays are days that I work the longest hours. After work, I went to class and we found out that we would not meet our guest speaker, who was supposed to show us a presentation and speech along with advice for freshmen. Anyways, the teacher made us form groups, and I happened to be in the group with Shawana and Jonathan. Shawana told me she saw me at Pho Kim Long last night and that her parents own that restaurant! Haha, that was cool. And not too long later did I find out that Jonathan is also Vietnamese. Wow, all this time I had thought he was Filipino or Chinese, haha. I love Tuesday's Sci class. It's a little boring and tiring, but it really gets me to be relaxed and I know I don't have to focus much on anything, since we're not learning anything. If we are, then it's just basic information that most of the students already know. It's a small class, but it's fun. :)
For some reason, no matter how much I exercise, I can't feel the effect of shrinking or losing weight. I feel like all I can do is gain weight. I know I eat a lot, but still!! I shouldn't be gaining weight or getting big so fast. Why did this happen? .__. If only I stayed a shrimpy person. Then again, I do want to be taller. Sometimes I want to be 5'9''... then other times 5 feet flat. I'm so indecisive. Oh well...Hopefully, I can be the way I want to look. It's hard to get a figure, arrghh~
OH man, at work today, I got my period. That was scary. I had to rush outside the building to Alex's car and grab the "you know what." Whew, I was safe. Guys don't know what girls go through and how much of a hassle things are for them. *sigh* Tomorrow, I'm not excited at all. You know why? Another Biology test. You know what that means? A Six-Chapter test. YES, it is rape. My teacher is smart, but his explanation and speech goes all over the place and becomes scrambled in my mind. Then, they go out of my head. :)