Saturday, October 20, 2007

"The god of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers."
2 Corinthians 4:4

Many sincere people do not know the truth about God and the future of mankind. Not having found answers to their deepest spiritual concerns, they live in confusion and uncertainty. Millions are enslaved to superstitions, rituals, and celebrations that offend our Creator. What is responsible for this widespread spiritual darkness? Ironically, it is religion—specifically the religious organizations and leaders who have promoted ideas contrary to God’s thoughts. (Mark 7:7, 8) As a result, many people have been deceived into believing that they worship the true God, while in reality they offend him. False religion is directly responsible for this sad situation. There is an unseen entity behind false religion. The Bible points out that “the god of this system of things” is none other than Satan the Devil. He is the principal promoter of false worship. w 3/15/06 1-3a